Top Reasons Why Native Plants Are Important

Why are native plants important? Native plants are those that occur naturally in a region in which they evolved as well as an important life supporting ecological basis for birds, insects and humans. Without native plants, many birds and insects that co-evolved with them would be unable to survive.  Here are the top reasons why native plants are important to our ecosystem.

- The human-dominated landscape no longer supports functioning ecosystems and the remaining isolated natural areas are not big enough to support wildlife.

- By creating a native plant garden, each patch of habitat becomes part of a collective effort to cultivate and replenish the landscape for birds and pollinators. 

- Landscaping with native plants can help combat climate change. By planting a native garden in the front yard instead of a non-native lawn, it reduces carbon pollution from lawnmower exhaust. Many native trees such as oaks and maples effectively store and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

- Native plants require much less water than non-native plants.  This is because native plants are adapted to local environmental conditions saving water which is becoming a more and more valuable resource. 
